Saturday 17 December 2022

SWITZERLAND - Christmas in Lugano

Lets start off by being honest - there is something inherently strange about Switzerland. You notice it as soon as you get off the train - the air is fresher, the streets cleaner, the grass less muddy and of course the train will always be on time. I'm sure if a Swiss train was half an hour late it would make the national news. The other thing you notice quite quickly is just how eye-wateringly expensive everything is. The Swiss Franc is a very strong currency and the standard of living high - in some instances the prices are around double what you would pay in Italy.

Lugano is just over an hour north of Milan by train and makes an easy and enjoyable day trip without the added expense of accommodation. It has a wonderful location on the side of Lake Lugano surrounded by mountains.

The railway station is very central but sits on a level above the city centre and can be reached by a steep walk or a modern funicular - Its best therefore to walk down and ride up! As you walk down you will pass the cathedral which although small is worth a look inside.

The church tower on the right is the cathedral

The old town is a maze of narrow pedestrian streets set just back from the lake front, bustling with a wide range of shops and at this time of the year Christmas market stalls. This thing with all the shops closing seems to be very British as you don't seem to encounter it elsewhere often.

If you walk along the lake shore going round to the east you will eventually come to another funicular which will take you up to Monte Bre. In fact it is a two stage funicular and climbs up to 915 metres. There was snow at the top and some spectacular views across the lake to the hills beyond.

As we already know the path to spiritual enlightenment always involves loads of steps - but this time the chapel at the top was open!!!

Back down in the city as darkness fell the Christmas lights came on and it was really busy with people at the Christmas market and sitting outside - the Swiss are a hardy lot - at the many bars and restaurants. The local council or chamber of commerce clearly has more money than in the UK because street entertainment was provided in the form of people on stilts performing with fire.

Two things to finish with. For today's Christmas tree Lugano's is pretty impressive.

And lastly as well as being punctual - Swiss trains look happy!!

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