Thursday 29 July 2021

SCOTLAND - More from Corrour

You may recall that my train travel was disrupted when I was here last year due to a landslide at Bridge of Orchy after heavy rain. The result of that for me, was a stretch of line between Crianlarich and Rannoch that I was unable to travel on, so in order to get that line in the book I decided to travel up that way this summer.

Whilst I could have just gone to Rannoch and come back for the ride, after having enjoyed my trips to Corrour last year I deceided to get the morning train up to Rannoch and once again do the walk across the moor bewteen there and Corrour. The weather forecast was overcast but not wet so I gave it a go, partly motivated by the thought of a pint and a bowl of venison casserole at the end in the restaurant at Corrour Station.

Since you have read all about Corrour on previous posts, there is not much more to say other than it was another fastastic day. I will therefore just leave you with some pics.

Class 156 leaving Rannoch

Rannoch Moor

Rannoch Moor

Rannoch Moor

Loch Ossian

Corrour Station

Class 156 arriving at Corrour


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