Monday 30 September 2019

CZECH REPUBLIC - I'm All Rocked Out

Another fantastic day - with good weather - at the Adrspach-Teplice rocks. This morning I went into the park at the Teplice end, much quieter than Adrspach yesterday (Adrspach is where the coach tours go). 

The highlight at Teplice is a board-walked part of the trail through an area called Siberia. The narrow pathway through the rocks is so deep down the sun rarely gets there so it is cold and damp. A thermometer mounted on the rocks only went up to 5 degrees celsius so I'm guessing that's as hot as it gets. Later, I took the path through the Wolfs Gorge - an area of peat bog - back to Adrspach where I was yesterday.

Here are some more pics ........

Walking through "Siberia"
Damp and dark

The climb up to the viewpoint 300 steps

The view was worth it

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