Saturday 10 September 2022

SPAIN - Welcome to Bilbao

It seems so long ago now since I have been on a European train that I decided to have a big long journey to start off this trip to Bilbao and Bordeaux.  The end result was a mammouth 14 hour and 16 minute run from Gillingham (departing at 0521) to Bilbao Deustu metro station by way of London, Paris, Hendaye and San Sebastian.  I am very pleased to report that all 7 trains used ran to time and all connections were met although I was absolutely knackered at the end of it - I am obviously getting to old to do that sort of stuff !

So now you find me in the amazing city of Bilbao in the Basque Country. Once a grimey industrial port with a river that would have probably poisoned you before it drowned you had you fallen in, Bilbao has been regenerated.  And it really is a modern city - lots of modern architecture fused with a compact old town both with the clean river at its heart.

So let me show you round

The centre piece of the city's revival is of course the Guggenheim Museum - opened in 1997 and designed by Frank Gehry, its a building that most people can recognise even if they are not sure where it is! I will be going inside later in the trip but here are the outside views.

Around the outside are some artworks for all to enjoy

Maman - Louise Bourgeois

Tall Tree & Eye - Anish Kapoor

Puppy - Jeff Koons

There are also several modern bridges and many office blocks but it all seems to fit together rather nicely.

Like most places it's size, Bilbao has a metro system - very clean and efficient - Sir Norman Foster was involved in the design and the distintive station entrances have been nick-named "Fosteritos" by the locals.

Bilbao has a small but atmospheric old town, with narrow streets bordered by tall houses, it really buzzes in the evenings - the Spanish remember power nap in the afternoon but never really seem to go to bed! 

The Cathedral is rather restrained by Spanish standards

I do like a nice cloister - Especially ones with lemon trees in the centre

1 comment:

  1. Martin, you may think and even feel too old, but I assure you that I am and that your blogs are a real tonic for me. This narrative, history and detail are marvellous and bring the places right here and now.


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