Thursday 28 September 2017

I'm Home

Hi everyone, just a quick post to let you all know that I have arrived home safely. Both flights were a bit bumpy but then there is a lot of weird weather in the Atlantic at the moment and changing planes in Reykjavik early this morning was a bit inconvenient but that's life.

Thank you all for reading my blog, it has been really nice to hear from some of you while I have been away and I am glad that you have enjoyed it. I will definitely do this again when I go away as it appears to be a good way to keep in touch.  

In the meantime I'm going to grapple with jet lag and leave you with a couple of night time pics from DC.


  1. Glad your back safely. It's been lovely reading your blog. Very informative. Hope the jet lag passes soon

  2. Glad your home in one piece. Enjoyed the blog especially Germany and Toronto. PE


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